To be successful in the fashion industry, your early preparation is the key to your future success, which means you must be diligent in doing your homework and researching far ahead of time. It is imperative to make smart choices to avoid getting scammed and financially ruined. Today, fashion institutions are solely in the business of gouging people left, right and centre. They do not act in your best interests, and they will wipe out your entire bank account, as well as getting you into huge student loan debt, which will take you a decade to pay off. Every year, many people get scammed by these unethical fashion schools and their students are literally and completely clueless. At Vancouver Sewing Classes (VSC), we hear these stories quite often and it is so disheartening to see so many naïve high school students following the same path of self destruction, like all the ones that went before them. It is horrific to see these fresh high school students getting robbed by these predatory fashion institutions. This will have a major detrimental effect on their mental health and well-being. Over the years, we have met countless past and present fashion design students telling us about their horrible experiences and the depression they had to endure after they graduated from their design school.
Quite frankly, you might want to check out and read all the Google reviews posted online by these schools’ own fashion graduates, and yet many people do not take the time to do their research thoroughly. Many of these fashion graduates have already invested $50,000 plus, while others have spent as much as $100,000 to $500,000, and yet they cannot find a job or do not have any funds left to start their own fashion business because these fashion institutions have sucked them dry financially. So, having said that, we highly recommend that everyone does their research thoroughly and not spend all of their money on any of these shady fashion design schools.
At VSC, we teach, mentor and provide the best tools, equipment and technical skills to ensure that our clients succeed in their chosen field of design. Our clients are able to sell their own garments and generate passive income, while they are learning new technical skills in our Fashion Design Programs. Not only will they gain plenty of experience in designing and creating garments, but they will also have an opportunity to build their own business, portfolio, fashion label, product line and online business presence through multiple social media platforms during their technical training at VSC. Our clients are already on their way to success, ahead of all of these elite fashion school graduates! This is why VSC is proud to say that we truly support our clients 100%, from start to finish. Depending on the Fashion Design Long Program selection our client chooses, we are giving away up to $17,000 worth of FREE BONUS GIFTS, such as a *FREE NEW Juki Industrial Sewing Machine, a NEW Juki Industrial Serger, a NEW Italian Reliable Iron Board, a NEW Italian Reliable Industrial Iron, a NEW Juki MO644D Portable Serger, a NEW Juki MCS-1500 Coverstitch Sewing Machine, a NEW Singer Domestic Sewing Machine, a NEW Designer’s Dress Form with Legs, NEW Sewing Feet Attachments for an Industrial or Domestic Sewing Machine, NEW Professional Drafting and Sewing Kits, plus many other industrial sewing machines! Not only do our clients get free sewing machines, tools, and equipment from VSC, but we do also help our clients to connect with many garment manufacturers in Southeast Asia, to help them produce all of their prototypes and do their full production at a fraction of the usual cost. In the world of fashion, you need to make intelligent decisions right out of the gate, if you want to get ahead, but you definitely do not want to become yet another victim of a fashion institution scam.
– Chris Falcon is a Canadian designer and fashion educator with over 35 years of experience in the garment design and manufacturing business.