Sewing should be effortless, simple, easy and stress-free. If you find sewing stressful, difficult or complicated, it is likely because you have poor sewing technique. When you have good sewing technique/skills, you will make fewer mistakes and you will spend less time unpicking your stitches. Nobody likes to unpick stitches or seams, so, if you want to make sewing less complicated for yourself, it is imperative that you learn good sewing techniques from Vancouver Sewing Classes (VSC), so you will have a great time sewing something you can be proud of creating and wearing. Sewing doesn’t need to be complicated if you take the time to improve your sewing skills by investing in a good and practical sewing program that provides you with the foundations from the ground up. You must make the time and effort to learn all the basics, if you want to make your sewing less complicated and enjoyable for yourself.
– Chris Falcon is a Canadian designer and fashion educator with over 35 years of experience in the garment design and manufacturing business.