Fashion institutions always love to create their own false narrative, when it comes to a fashion designer’s salary. Many schools mislead their students and graduates about how much fashion designers make these days when they leave school. Sadly, many new graduates will realistically start at minimum wage when they graduate from their school because they don’t have the right skills to do any highly-trained job nor do they have any experience to offer to their future employers. Even the most fortunate graduate will be compensated no more than $15-$19/hour, if they are very lucky, but that is not enough to survive and to live these days in this economy. If you have more than five years of experience, you will likely be making around $20-$25/hour, but, if you have more than 20 years of experience, you can expect to earn $30/hour. However, if you are a fashion design entrepreneur, your starting annual income will most likely be between $50,000 and $100,000. In other words, you don’t need a fashion degree or diploma, if you become a fashion design entrepreneur because, now, you will be working for yourself and you will be your own boss, which means that you no longer need to go to any of these fashion institutions to receive your fashion academic training. Instead, you should invest your money in yourself, and get your practical and technical skill training at VSC. We can help you to become a fashion designer entrepreneur in less than a year and get your product launched at the same time. At VSC, we guarantee results, without getting you into debt or making you go broke. You will make far, far more money working for yourself than working for someone else. Why make your boss rich when you can work for yourself and make yourself richer than the people who work in a boring and depressing 9-to-5 office job?
– Chris Falcon is a Canadian designer and fashion educator with over 35 years of experience in the garment design and manufacturing business.