If you are investing a lot of your money into your future fashion design career training, you deserve a good education from your fashion design college or university. Quite often, many fashion institutions are not teaching the basics anymore, nor the advanced techniques in sewing, pattern drafting, pattern grading, French draping, Tech Pack and so on. On the contrary, they are teaching their students courses and programs that are NOT relevant to the fashion industry. In fact, these fashion institutions will teach their students a lot of trash courses and a lot of garbage.
If you want people to take you seriously as a real fashion designer and be able to work professionally in the apparel industry, you must learn real technical skills; otherwise, you are NEVER going to make it in the highly competitive fashion industry. The basics are the backbone for all fashion design applications. If you don’t have the basics, you will NOT be able to complete a garment from start to finish professionally! You need the basics for sewing and pattern drafting and, in fact, for everything that involves fashion design. Sadly, many fashion graduates do not have the basics under their belt when they leave school.
– Chris Falcon is a Canadian designer and fashion educator with over 35 years of experience in the garment design and manufacturing business.